Arm balance
Arm balance asanas in yoga can be challenging, but also a very rewarding part of any yoga practice. They are beneficial as strength builders, they promote great circulation and demand ultimate concentration of the mind.
Radiant Skin Components
I’ve shared some root-based solutions for achieving great looking skin that I’ve discovered in my Ayurvedic journey of health. I ordered them according to how well they worked for me.
Yoga Heart
Focused work will give us the fluidity, flexibility, and strength needed to experience our true nature as conscious blissful beings.
Eat Like a Yogi: A Yoga Diet Based in Ayurvedic Principles
Extend your yoga practice to the table by applying Ayurvedic principles to keep your body nourished and your mind clear.
2 Day Workshop at Rooms Khazbegi
What a day, what a workshop! I feel like a whole new universe opened up in front of me, powers and forces bubbling at the bottom of my soul, powers that I had no idea existed in me, all of